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Team Impact Journeys - Growing in Co-Direction by Action-Learning

We organize Team Impact Journeys because we - like you - want to co-develop the future healthcare and social economic situation, wherever in the world, since we are passionate about it and want to be actively involved. We believe in the power of co-operation to achieve something for and with each other. And, we love adventure! We want to take you to a different world, and let you discover your unsuspected sides. At a distance from existing systems and structures you are acquainted to, you will experience what happens when you get back to your intention: meeting the demands and wants of the community.

Community strength
Each time we give shape to community development in a total different culture we call it a journey of discovery and, those moments we are learning from the strength of the local community.


Social entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship is indispensable in developing countries to improve on their healthcare and social economic situation. During our journeys, we want to encourage ´last mile´ communities and help them to realize new solutions for priority health and development problems.

That´s why we invite companies, social organisations, philantropists, social entrepreneurs and impact investors, being  team players with a passion for healthcare and well-fare, to join us on this adventure!

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