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Villagers, visiting Health Clinic, Uttar

‘’We believe that providing safety, holistic health care and education is essential to self-governed, self-sufficient and self-sustained community development’’




Community Care Solutions is an independent and effective organization in creating safety, holistic healthcare and basic education utilized in underprivileged communities. It contributes to preventive health care and behavioral change of the communities it serves. It anticipates in line with the demands and wants of the target groups: mothers, children, adolescents, elderly, differently abled and others. It integrates innovative approaches strengthening and connecting communities, collaboratively with its partners and/or clients, to amplify impact. 


We effectively communicate and collaborate with our participants and partners to make sure no time and energy is wasted on processes, procedures and 'reinventing' existing approaches and strategies. We share resources, support in fundraising activities and exchange knowledge and experience. We make matches between organisations and communities from different sectors, and even different countries, aiming at integrated and sustainable community development.


The organization is self-sufficient and self-sustained. It generates income through assignments, business agreements, service delivery to (community) workers, managers, organizations and communities and setting up support systems. It shares organizational and professional knowledge openly, to assure the benefit of more people.

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